Pakistan Importer Requests Importer 10 Tcoin 1 View

Demanding of stocklots paper boards to import to Pakistan

Demanding of stocklots paper boards to import to Pakistan

Confirm complete details for required stocklots paper boards with your C&FC3% MT Karachi, prices.
1. Un-coated Cream/Ivory Paper 100/110 gsm, in sheets 1x20ft’ quantities
2. Un-coated both sides dark colors with and without embossed in 190 TO 300 GSM,
3..Un-coated both sides dark colors with and without embossed in 190 TO 300 GSM,
4. C-1/S White Top Kraftliner Brownback and 2/S Un-coated Kraftliner
5. Un-coated Ivory Boards
6. 2/S Coated art paper and art cards 60 to 300 gsm, in sheet

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