
The company «Innovative technologies» was founded in 2008, as our General director rightfully mentioned, based on enthusiasm and indefatigable industry. It was a year of the beginning of nanoindustry development on a nation-wide level, in order to make it one of the strongest sector of economy in Russia. The plans of our company dovetailed with the plans of the Government of the Russian Federation. Since then our not numerous personnel has developed and implemented 9 innovative materials into the production, being much-in-demand in construction and heat power industry, in the system of housing and community amenities and in transport, as well as when storing oil products. The materials possess high energy-saving, technical and performance properties, as it has been pointed out on numerous occasions by rewards of the specialized exhibitions. The most interesting is that we already can clearly demonstrate longevity of our products on the streets of Kazan, showing the fronts of the buildings, having been painted with ultra-thin thermal insulation RE-THERM. Sales geography We have a well-developed dealer network: 162 representatives are working on the area of the Customs Union and 30 – abroad. Besides Russia, our nanomaterials are sold in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Armenia, Belarus, Moldavia, Turkey, Mongolia, Hungary, Romania, Korea, Chine, Finland, Slovenia. We are ready to provide you with advice how to use our products and guarantee high quality. Among the primary goals of our company is a presentation of the innovative compositions and further expanding of the sales markets. A part of the profit is spent on development of the new technologies, modernization of production, product quality control. The priority requirements to the materials are ecological compatibility and fire safety, easy use, aesthetic qualities and high durability of the finished coatings

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Alexander Kargapolov

420034 Russia Kazan Vachitov St. 6 2

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