United Kingdom Importer Importer 10 Tcoin 33 Views

Yoghurt processing facility to set up United Kingdom

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We hope this inquiry finds you well. We are B**** D*****, a dairy company based in Somalia, and we are seeking a reliable supplier for a yoghurt processing facility. After conducting thorough market research and assessing our requirements, we believe your expertise and products align with our needs.

Here are the specific details and requirements for the yogurt processing facility:

Processing Capacity: We require a processing capacity of 2500 liters in a single shift of 12 hours. The facility should be able to handle this volume efficiently.

Yogurt Type: We are interested in producing set yogurt, known for its creamy texture and distinctive taste.

Milk Pasteurization: As we will be using raw milk, it is essential for the processing facility to have milk pasteurization capabilities. This will ensure the safety and quality of our yogurt products.

Cream Separation: There is no need for the facility to separate the cream from the milk as we will be utilizing the whole milk for our yogurt production.
