
MILLENNIUM GLOBAL RESOURCES ASIA PTE LTD is a Singapore registered company incorporated and existing under the laws of Singapore since 13th of August 2020. The company’s existence is the result of collaboration between Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia bringing out the optimal performance and results each country can offer. Although a new company, the years of experience of each staff member worth more than a century of experiences who comes from various backgrounds and industries. With a sound financial standing and support, MILLENNIUM GLOBAL RESOURCES ASIA PTE LTD strive to serve multiple industries and domains such as :- • Logistics, Warehouse and Storage, Freight and Delivery • Real Estates - residential and commercial development and re-development • Energy, Technology and Natural Resource - Oil (Used Cooking Oil, Palm Oil, Edible Oils) and Gas, Renewable Energy, Coal, Sand etc. • Food and Agriculture - Agritech, Farming, Wholesale • Investments and Charity and its operation is not limited to Asia

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Kamil Selamat

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