
We introduce ourselves as MAG FIRM. LTD located in Port Harcourt city of Nigeria with branches in other cities around,Our company a registered company under Nigeria law in 2001, We are interested on product like Perfume,Cosmetics and sanitary products others are Deodorant,Roll-on also other relate product. We deal on all kind of the above mention products, we are on trading, distributing and retailing. We has established good relationship in bring products from Turkey,Italy,UK and America also Asian countries like Taiwan,China and Thailand to Nigerian markets and are doing well now in the market. Nigeria has a progressive market and we wish to establish a good market network on new brand products, if you can give us an opportunity to bring your products to your market. Looking forward to read from you soon

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MAG FIRM LTD. Export Products :
Contact Information

Michael Irolo

Head Office:25 Alihaji Estate Road Off Airport Road Ph

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