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Pomegranate Sapling

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Climate Requests: It is not selective in terms of climate and soil requests. It is grown almost everywhere from sea level to 1000 m high. The regions that are hot and dry in summer, warm and rainy in winters are suitable. Pomegranate requires an average annual rainfall of 500 mm. This requires most of the rainfall in spring. Rain falling in summer disrupts fruit quality. The rains falling in the near future causes the fruit peel to crack. During the fruit formation, dry weather conditions increase the market value by providing the highest quality fruit. The plant usually lasts up to -10 0C. At -15 0C and lower temperatures, branches are damaged at -20 0C. Although it is green in tropical climates, it pouring leaves in subtropical and temperate areas and shows very little coldness. Since it blooms late, it is not damaged by late frosts. In late ripening varieties, fruit can be affected by early frosts. Flowering is 50-70 days, vegetative development is 180–215 days and fruit development is 120–160 days. Soil Requests: Pomegranate can grow in almost all kinds of soil types from sandy soils to clay and heavy soils. The most suitable soils in order to buy economic products are deep, loamy, permeable, light alkali, rich in organic substances. It can also grow in very dry and very humid soil conditions. It may tolerate the high amount of salt that may be harmful to many plant species. It can live up to 150 to 200 years in each climatic condition. Soil may be alkaline or acid. 1.6. Garden facility Saplings to be planted in pomegranate gardens must be 1 year old. It is not preferred because it is not possible to shape in the gardens to be established with elderly saplings. If a garden is to be established with 2 or more elderly saplings, the saplings that have been shaped at the end of the 1st year and tube or tube seedlings should be preferred. The Pomegranate Garden can be installed directly with steel or rooted seedlings. However, since the steels directly sewing into the garden will lead to various maintenance difficulties and efficiency losses, pomegranate steels are rooted in a nursery parcel and the maintenance of the garden after the maintenance is provided here for a year. In pomegranate cultivation, the soil is first processed with the bottom boiler to break the plow base in the summer months. Then a deep version is made with plow. In the autumn period, sewing pits are opened on a depth and diameter of 40-60 cm. The pits are filled with a mixture of upper soil and burned farm manure and weeds are cleaned. Pomegranate seedlings can be sewn in autumn and can be sewn during the winter months and early spring. Autumn planting is more suitable in areas where winters are not very cold. When planting, the nail is left in the steel part of the seedlings. Weak shoots are taken, too long roots are shortened. The hill of the shoot is taken from 50–60 cm. If the exile is not enough, if weakly developed, it is cut over 2-3 eyes immediately after planting and strong exile formation is provided for the next year. Then, the whole of the steel part of the seedlings is taken from the soil - fertilizer mixture filled into the soil. Sapling is placed here and reinforced with the same soil fertilizer mixture. The soil on the bottom of the seedlings is thoroughly pressed with foot. A small bowl is made around life to give water. In very windy regions, two herek is connected to the sapling as a cross -cross. Irrigation Pomegranate trees like hot and dry weather conditions as well as moist and cool soil conditions. Irrigation in pomegranates is essential when rainfall is not sufficient. In order to obtain quality, abundant products and prevent fruits from cracking, regular irrigation should be done with 10-15 days apart. The time and amount of irrigation of the pomegranate should be well adjusted. In missing, excessive or irregular irrigation, cracking in the fruit peel is seen. Pomegranates are usually watered by pan and furry method. Driping irrigation, mini springs or leakage irrigation is the ideal for pomegranates. In particular, the wood eyes should be watered in abundance during the continuation of the eyes, flower buds begin to appear and fruit development. When the fruit matures, irrigation should be cut 10–15 days before the skin. 2.2. Spraying Fruit cracking: usually occurs with maturity. As maturity progresses, the amount of cracking increases in fruits that are not harvested. The cracking is caused by the inability to withstand the fruit of the fruit. • The main causes of fruit cracking; • Maturity time, • Excessive and irregular irrigation, • Sunburn and physical damages in the shell, • Harvest time excessive rainfall, • Planting in plant feeding, • High night and night temperature difference • Hot wind blowing after drought, • Some diseases and pests are the main causes. Brown stain disease: The disease occurs in young leaves, flowers and small fruits in spring. Small, irregular and K vote colored stains occur in the leaves. As the disease progresses, these stains expand. In the struggle; In the period when those flower buds began to become evident, When those petals fall out, When those fruits reach half the size, fungicid applications give successful results. Infected products should be removed and destroyed, frequent planting should not be made. Good pruning should be provided by the tree ventilation. Fruit caries: The disease infects fruits. There are many black dots on the shell, irregular, hard. This stain is surrounded by a thick dark color. The entire surface can be covered with these stains according to climatic conditions and when it is sensitive. In the struggle; In the full flowering period, when the fruits come to hazelnut size, when those fruits reach 1/3 of the size, those fruits are recommended for half -size fungusitis applications. Cultural practices should also be considered. Aspergillus fruit caries: The disease is more common during the ripening period of the fruit. It is an important problem in stored pomegranates. Color opening is seen on the fruit close to the crown leaf. The shell softens in the infected area, it takes a juicy image. With the arrival of rotten insects in this part, the disease progresses rapidly. When the fruit is cut, it is seen that the whole fruit is covered with a black fungus. Penicilium and Trichoderma Fruit Rottings: Usually the decays seen after any insect damage in the calicor (fruit crown). It causes damage by causing the original fruit decay in stored pomegranates. Although the fruit seems intact from the outside, it is seen that it is completely rotten when the inside is opened. Sunburn: Maturity time is the burning of the fruit peel due to excessive lighting all day long in dark pomegranate fruits. The burning area takes a completely black color and over time, small cracks occur in this area. A covering substance or shading networks such as Kaolin can be used in the fight against sunburn. Body Gum: Disease is a soil -source fungus. In places with severe drainage problems, the disease spreads more rapidly. Especially in the root throat, which is close to the soil, is seen. The shell tissue then cracks. Transmission bundles are blocked due to the infection of the fungus and brown. Yellowing and developmental retardation begins in the tree. Severely infected plants dry. In the struggle; It should be irrigated by drip irrigation method, during irrigation, the body and the root throat should not be wet, that soil should be given plenty of organic matter, it should be applied to the spring, summer and autumn slips. It also helps the fungusites applied to the root throat and the body. In that winter and spring months, 1 % burgundy slurry or other drugs containing copper should be sprayed in the form of thoroughly washing. Harnup Movement: Pomegranate fruits also causes decay of fruits and decreases the market value. Harmful, the eggs in the period of falling during the fall of the sun of the calix of the fruits (fruit crown) usually leave one by one. The larvae from the eggs are first fed in the grains by entering the fruit crown and then into the fruit. In the outer shell of damaged pomegranate fruits in this way, it is seen that the whole fruit is decaying if browning first. Pomegranate leafy: under the leaves, on the end of the shoots, flowers and fruits that form colonies that form harmful, more frequently planted, regular pruning, high moisture content, high, intense spraying is a problem in gardens. Pomegranate leafy is fed by absorbing plant essence. It is caused by fumajine (black mold layer) with the secretion of the sweet liquid substance. Due to intense fumage, plant development weakens and reduces the quality and market value of the product. Pomegranate Whitewood: The leaf surface of the adults moving very slowly on the leaf and the white powder are covered with waxy substance. Whiteine adults are seen when pomegranate leaves begin to form. The pomegranate whitewash is fed under the leaves and causes fumage by secreting intense sweetly sweet substance. Fertilization Fertilization should be done according to the results of leaf and soil analysis. The purpose of a conscious fertilization is to land the nutrients needed by the plant in the required amount and timely, in the forms that the plant can take. If there is no analysis and there are no symptoms of nutritional elements, organic fertilizer is applied in pomegranates. In the study on the fertilization of pomegranates, organic fertilizers have a significant impact on development, yield and quality. The farm manure to be given to the pomegranates should be well burned. 2-3 tons of farm manure should be given to the soil with anchor to cover the whole garden during the autumn-winter months. Green fertilization for pomegranate also gives useful results. For this, plants such as beans and vetch are planted in the entire pomegranate garden. Plants cultivated during the flowering period by applying a garden to the soil mixture is provided. These plants also have benefits in terms of enriching the soil nitrogen. Nitrogen is very important for pomegranate. The use of nitrogen fertilizer is essential for exile development and fruit growth. In the first years, 50 - l00 g of pure nitrogen ammonium sulfate per tree gives useful results to give 250 - 500 g. After full yield, this amount should be increased as 200 - 300 g per tree and 5 kg. Nitrogen fertilizers are given twice in early spring and summer months. 2/3 of the above amount should be given in March and L/3 should be given in June-July. After fertilization, the tree should be watered immediately, and if it cannot be irrigated, it should be mixed with anchor and soil. Phosphorus fertilizers are related to flowering, fruit attitude and root development. Pomegranate phosphorus requirement is determined as approximately 250 - 500 g in the full efficiency age of L00–200 G Pure phosphorus triple super phosphate. Phosphorus fertilizers are given to 4 - 6 pits opened around the tree around the tree at a depth of 20 - 30 cm in the regions where branches reach. As with organic fertilizers, the physical and chemical structure of the soil and the condition of the tree should be well observed in the application of commercial fertilizers. After the soil and leaf analysis, the application of fertilizer is the ideal condition. Auxiliary Cultural Procedures Dilution: The tips should be taken to prevent the skirt branches from touching the ground. Trees should be diluted on the hill when they age. Support (Herking): As trees grow and age, branches hang down with the ripening of leaves and fruits. The danger of breaking the branches, especially towards maturity, increases. In order to prevent this, they are prevented from breaking by giving everyone to the branches. Hoeing: It is one of the most important works to be done after planting. The hoeing is made with machines or manpower according to the distances and growing style between row. 10-20 days after planting, starting the first anchor and fill the root throat is filled. Usually anchor is made after each irrigation. • The hoeing is made up to 10-17 cm depth and we can sort its benefits as follows: it loosening the surface of the soil to ensure that the soil can take off. It protects the soil moisture by maintaining the crumbled state of the soil. The cream layer that occurred after that irrigation and rain Herb control: Foreign and wild herbs grown in the pomegranate garden are either cleaned using weed drugs in the first circuit or cleaned by handling and handled by hand. Drug struggle is more appropriate to save labor in large areas.

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