
Our company was established in Hong Kong in 2007. Our company is effective in some cities of China such as Xiaman, Shuitou, Guangzhou, Yunfu, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Pekin, Tianjing also our company gained a significant role in marble market of China by good relationships with its customers and welldone services. We supply every type of marble, furniture, construction materials, from Turkey to our customers for years, thanks to our well developed web around Turkey and China. Our company works with China, India, Hong Kong, Vietnam and with many countries. If you need any type of marble, home or office furniture, construction materials you can consult us, whenever you want. We do our best for our every customer with our wonderfull web in Turkey and Asia continent

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Akademi Caddesi Zeno Business Center C Blok Kat 4 Daire 16 Odunluk Mah. Nilüfer Bursa Turkey

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